Whether you are an owner / operator with 1 truck or a fleet manager with hundreds of vehicles, VMA4 has the complete solution for your business that can improve your bottom line while taking the guesswork out of the equation.

With our geotrack and data recording capabilities, including electronic logbooks, IFTA reporting and vehicle data, you now have detailed information at your fingertips that enables you to operate your business efficiently while meeting current compliance requirements for the motor carrier industry.

We currently offer the following services in the VMA4 Suite:

  • Real Time GPS location and tracking
  • Electronic Logbook (ELD)
  • Web Based Portal Access via Desktop or Mobile Devices
  • IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting
  • E-Manifest Import | Export Services
  • ACI (CBSA) & ACE (CBP) Compliance Service
  • Business Tax & Sales Data Tracking App
  • Factoring | Lease Factoring | Equipment Financing

The Sales & Support Team at VMA4 is committed to providing our clients with all possible solutions, at a reasonable cost.  We will continue to add additional services and products that can help our clients achieve success! Choose VMA4 as your one stop solution for all industry products and support under one umbrella.